All Courses

DIITCTGBBA, Introduction to Business
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the private enterprise system. Topics covered include forms of business organizations, business finance, human resource management, production, entrepreneurship, business ethics, marketing, and the changing business environment.

Learning Outcomes
Explain the Bangladeshi free enterprise system.
Describe how businesses operate in our modern political, social, and economic environment.
Present a general background in the elements and characteristics of business enterprise.
Discuss the many aspects of business functions such as management, organization, human relations, marketing, finance, and ethics.
Analyze the methods and procedures used by people in business to arrive at effective decisions.
Explain the role of profits in our economic system.
Present major business concepts in writing and orally using proper business communications techniques
DIITCTG ET Electronics Engineering Fundamental (26811)
This course is not continue in this semester.
DIITCTG ET Electrical Circuits -2 (66731)
This course is designed for the students of Diploma in Engineering 2nd Semester
DIITCTG ET Generation of Electrical Power (66752)
This is a course designed for Diploma in Electrical Technologies student. From this course knowledge on electrical power generation and it's various types can be learned.
DIITCTG ET Renewable Energy (66753)
This is course is conducted by Sazzatul Amin
DIITCTG ET Electrical & Electronic Measurement-2 (66762)
This course is not continue in this semester.
DIITCTG CMT Computer Office Application(28511)
Work effectively with a range of current, standard, Office Productivity software applications.
Evaluate, select and use office productivity software appropriate to a given situation.
Apply basic adult learning and assessment principles in the design, development, and presentation of material produced by office productivity
Demonstrate employability skills and a commitment to professionalism.
Operate a variety of advanced spreadsheet, operating system and word processing functions.
Solve a range of problems using office productivity applications, and adapt quickly to new software releases.
Maintain quality assurance through critically evaluating procedures and results.
DIITCTG AT Architectural Materials(66112)
Aspects of engineering materials; Stone, Bricks; Sand; Cement; Tiles Light metal, Glass and Ceramics, Paints and varnishes, Timber; Insulating materials; Sound absorbing materials; Engineering use of non-ferrous metal; Fire and water proofing materials; Metals and alloys.
BBA, Basic Accounting
Course Title: Basic Accounting
Course code:510105
Course conducted by:Md. Shah Newaz Mazumder

Course Objectives:
• explain the concept and role of accounting and financial reporting in the modern market economy,
• explain the regulatory framework for the operation of accounting activities,
• understanding of basic accounting concepts, accounting principles and techniques of posting basic business changes.
• explain the structure and content of financial statements

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
1. conceptually define accounting and bookkeeping
2. identify the accounting rules required for business enterprises,
3. apply the accounting rules in determining financial results,
4. prepare financial statements,
5. compare the specificity of different accounts within the accounting policies,
6. connect knowledge and record business changes that are
envisaged by the course syllabus.
Teaching materials for students (scripts, exercise collections, examples of solved exercises), detailed course syllabus, application of e-learning, current information and all other data are available by MOODLE system to all students.
DIITCTGBBA,Organizational Behavior

Course Description:
Students study the behavior of individuals and groups as part of the social and technical system in the workplace. They examine individual and group behavior, communication, conflict and various management styles, motivational techniques and coordination in the work environment and apply these concepts to the development of an organization's human resources.

Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have demonstrated the ability:

to discuss the development of the field of organizational behavior and explain the micro and macro approaches
to analyze and compare different models used to explain individual behavior related to motivation and rewards
to identify the processes used in developing communication and resolving conflicts
to explain group dynamics and demonstrate skills required for working in groups (team building)
to identify the various leadership styles and the role of leaders in a decision making process.
to explain organizational culture and describe its dimensions and to examine various organizational designs
to discuss the implementation of organizational change.
DIITCTG AT Working Drawing With CAD(66143)
Working drawing, detail drawing of staircase, fixture layout of kitchen and toilet detail, septic tank detail, water reservoir detail & working drawing, structural drawing, electrical drawings with Auto CAD.
DIITCTG AT Model Making(66144)
Preparing block model for geometrical prism; Preparing block model of the components of building; Preparing model of an umbrella, pen-stand, relief work, staircase and tree.
DIITCTG AT Architectural Design-2(66131)
Fundamentals of design, Basic area of residential building, Residential building planning,
Area planning of house, Room arrangement , Floor plan.
DIITCTG AT Creativity & Concept Development(66111)
Creativity in Architecture, Concept in Architecture,
Anthropometric data, Balance & Composition.
DIITCTG CMT IT Support System-I(66622)
This course is conducted by Afifa Hoque.
DIITCTG CMT IT Support System-II (66634)
This course is conducted by Afifa Hoque.
DIITCTG CMT Object Oriented Programing
This course is conducted by Md. Badiuzzaman Biplob
DIITCTG CMT Analog Electronics
This course is not continue in this semester.
DIITCTG CMT Network Administration & Services
This course is conducted by Afifa Hoque.
DIITCTG AT History of Architecture -1(66141)
Architecture in the pre-historic ages; Egyptian Architecture; West Asiatic Architecture; Greek
Architecture, Roman Architecture; Architecture of Northern-Indian Hindu style; Christian Architecture;
Byzantine Architecture; Romanesque Architecture.
DIITCTG AT Presentation & Visual Technique(66154)
Basic knowledge of presentation technique; Manual techniques of presentation; Scaling technique for
freehand sketch presentation; Exterior and interior Perspective view; Presentation through
Photographs; 2D & 3D Presentation by CAD; Presentation by Sketch up; Illustration & Photoshop; a
complete Project (Historical or conservational building) presentation.
DIITCTG AT Architectural Design -4(66151)
General concepts of hospitals, types of Hospitals, patient room facilities, medical equipment, lighting
facilities, admitting department, special problem of construction, form, relation between department,
fire safety, means of escape, Educational Background and School Organization; Structure of Education;
Feasibility of a site to design a school; recreation facility Layout; Safety & Security; Class room Design;
Library; Main Stair and Fire Escape; Drive Way; Slopped Way/Ramp, lift, Parking, Common toilet.
DIITCTG AT Interior Design(66153)
Architecture & history of interior design; Principle, Basic Style & Rules of Interior Design; Basic of Design
composition; Interior materials & elements of interior design; Interior space; Natural ventilation & air
DIITCTG AT Architectural Design -1 (66121)
Elements of Drawing and principles of Design, Form & Space, Organization & Circulation, Proportion &
scale, Concepts of Design, Design Process, Architectural drawing & drafting, Texture, Anthropometry,
and Design of small structure (Temporary and Permanent).
DIITCTG AT Contemporary Architecture (66164)
Master Architects and their works; Modern Architects in Bangladesh and their works;
International modern Structure/Buildings; Contemporary Buildings in Bangladesh;
Contemporary Buildings in Asia, Europe and America.
DIITCTG AT Architectural Design-5 (66161)
Core Location of an Office; Main Stair and Fire Escape; General Principle; Office Layout; Guide for Space
Allowance; Drive Way; Slopped Way/Ramp. Conception of Shopping center, retail shops, types of
shopping, Design and Planning criteria, service details, self service shops.
DIITCTG AT Landscape Design (66163)
Fundamentals of landscape; Use of land & water; Importance of Site, Spaces, Visible landscape, and
Circulation. Layout of water bodies, landscape & visit the site.
DIITCTG AT Computer Rendering & Animation-1 (66162)
3D Modeling & Animation Software , 3D Modeling, Tool Panels & It’s Sub Tools, Modeling with primitives, 3D
Max main tool bar, Modeling with Spline, Compound Object and Modifier Stack , Setting and Preferences menu ,
Massing of Building Project , Doors, Windows, AEC Extended and Stair , Finishing of Massing , Materials Basics ,
Texture Mapping, Lighting Basic, Camera Basic, Rendering Basic, V-Ray, Render, V-ray Materials and Lights,
Animation Basic, Key frame Animation, Work Throw Animation.
DIITCTG AT History of Architecture -2 (66152)
Gothic architecture in France; Renaissance architecture in Europe, Indo-Islamic architecture;
Development of imperial style; Development of Islamic architecture during Mughal period; Islamic
architecture in Bengal; Islamic architecture in Dhaka; Hindu architecture in East Bengal; Modern
architecture in Dhaka; Ancient architecture in Bengal; works of important architects; Islamic
architecture in ancient period; Masjid architecture; Islamic architecture in Europe.
DIITCTG AT Computer Rendering & Animation -2 (66175)
Drawing environments and drawing aids; Different setup of drawing in Sketchup; Drawing commands;
Modification & edits of drawing; camera, material assign, lighting setup,
V-ray; camera, lighting, Rendering etc.
DIITCTG AT Interior Design-2 (66173)
Room orientation, Air conditioning, Lighting system and building acoustics, Furniture,
Fire fighting system, Painting and wall paper, Ceiling and floor covering, Function of draperies,
Slip covers and wall composition, Interior design of a bank or a studio office.
DIITCTG AT Professional Practice (66172)
Architectural Profession; Role of a diploma architect in building industry; Importance of site visit;
Controlling authority; Organizational set-up; Building By-laws, BNBC & Architect profession.
DIITCTG AT Urban Planning (66174)
Principles of town planning and its characteristics; Growth of town; Elements of city plan & surveying;
Zoning system; Housing, Neighborhood unit and garden city; Slum & Squatter; Parks & Play grounds;
Industries of a town; Systems of road communications, traffic control; Master plan.
DIITCTG AT Architectural Project (66171)
Site Analysis; Preliminary Sketch; Final Sketch; Approval Sheet; Working Drawing; Finishing Schedule;
Utility Services; Cost Estimate; Perspective Drawing; Model; & Brochure.
DIITCTGBBA, Business Statistics 1
Understanding statistics is essential to understand research in the social and behavioral sciences. In this course you will learn the basics of statistics.
This course has been designed for the students of Diploma in Computer Technology ; one can get overview of web design here.
DIITCTG Database Program
The course is based on database mainly sql. One can get experienced from the course.
DIITCTGBBA, Business Mathematics
This course has been made for the students of BBA 1st Semester.
DIITCTG AT Architectural Graphics(66133)
Free hand sketching, Composition,
Color design & rendering,
Perspective view (one point & two point).
DIITCTG AT Computer Aided Drawing(66132)
Drawing environments and drawing aids; Different set-up of drawing in Auto CAD;
Drawing commands; Modification & edits of drawing; and Printing the drawing.
This course is made for the students of fifth semester of Daffodil Institute of IT.
DIITCTG ET - Electrical & Electronic Measurement -1 (66751)
This course is conducted by Hasan Murad Munna
This course is conducted by Afifa Hoque.
This course is conducted by Afifa Hoque.
This course is conducted by Afifa Hoque .
Diploma, RS, Accounting Theory And Practice
This course has been developed for the students of 5th semester of Technical Education Board.
DIITCTG ET Communication Engineering(66867)
This course is not continue in this semester.
DIITCTG CMT Operating System Application(68546)
This Course is conducted by Afifa Hoque.
DIITCTG CMT Data Communication System(66644)
This Course is conducted by Afifa Hoque.
DIITCTG CMT Principles of Software Engineering(66661)
This subject is conducted by Afifa Hoque.
DIITCTG CMT Computer Peripherals(66645)
This course is conducted by Afifa Hoque.
DIITCTG CMT Microprocessor & Interfacing
This course is conducted by Md. Forhad Hossain.
DIITCTG AT Architectural Design-3(66142)
Site Planning & Design of Stall & Pavilion, Planning & design of Religious building, Building by-Laws,
RAJUK / Responsible Authority approval sheet & Landscape Drawing.
DIITCTG COM Electrical Engineering Fundamental (26711)
This course is not continue in this semester.
DIITCTG CMT Sequential Logic System
Thic course is conducted by Afifa Hoque.
DIITCTG CMT Programming Essential(66644)
This Course is conducted by Md. Badiuzzaman Biplob.
DIITCTG CMT Cyber Security & Ethics(66675)
This course is conducted by Afifa Hoque.
DIITCTG CMT Network & Data Center Operation(66665)
This course is conducted by Md. Forhad Hossain.