Responsible Md. Nurun Nabi
Last Update 04/08/2023
Completion Time 3 hours 10 minutes
Members 2
    • Area of Quadrilateral Formula
    • Mathe-3
  • Lecture 1
    • Lecture-1 (area of triangle )
    • Area of Triangle Formula
  • chapter-2
    • Lecture-2
  • Lecture- 03
    • Lecture-3.1 (Areas of regular Polygon)
    • Lecture-3 (Areas of regular Polygon)
  • Lecture-4
    • concept of areas of regular polygon
  • Lecture-5
    • concept of areas of regular polygon
  • Lecture -6
    • Inverse Circular Function
  • Lecture-7
    • Inverse Circular Function
  • Lecture-8
    • Transformation of Formulae
  • Lecture-9
    • Straight line
  • Lecture-10
    • Equation of Circle
  • Lecture-11
    • Conic Section
  • Lecture-12
    • Vector Algebra
  • Lecture-13
    • Dot Product vs Cross Product