DIITCTGBBA, Introduction to Business

DIITCTGBBA, Introduction to Business

Course Description
This course is an introduction to the private enterprise system. Topics covered include forms of business organizations, business finance, human resource management, production, entrepreneurship, business ethics, marketing, and the changing business environment.

Learning Outcomes
Explain the Bangladeshi free enterprise system.
Describe how businesses operate in our modern political, social, and economic environment.
Present a general background in the elements and characteristics of business enterprise.
Discuss the many aspects of business functions such as management, organization, human relations, marketing, finance, and ethics.
Analyze the methods and procedures used by people in business to arrive at effective decisions.
Explain the role of profits in our economic system.
Present major business concepts in writing and orally using proper business communications techniques

Responsible Sujan Sarker
Last Update 05/23/2022
Completion Time 1 day 4 hours 25 minutes
Members 3