Responsible Antu Kumar Roy
Last Update 11/01/2021
Completion Time 8 hours 5 minutes
Members 14
  • Shylibus
    • Course Plan
  • Chapter 1 (Understand the importance of foundry and safety procedures)
    • Class -1 (Chapter 01)
  • Chapter 2 (Understand pattern and its materials)
    • Class -2 ( Chapter 02)
  • Chapter 3 ( Understand the different types of pattern and its allowances)
    • Class -3 ( Chapter 03)
  • Chapter 4
    • Class - 4 ( Chapter 04)
  • Chapter 5
    • Class -5 ( Chapter 05)
  • Chapter 6
    • Class -6 ( Chapter 06)
  • Chapter 7
    • Class -7 ( Chapter 07)
  • Chapter 8
    • Class -8 ( Chapter 08)
    • Online Quiz Exam
    • Exam Result
  • August Attendance
    • August Attendance