Responsible Antu Kumar Roy
Last Update 03/02/2022
Completion Time 9 hours
Members 1
  • Mid Term Exam
    • Mid Mark Result
    • Syllabus - Metallurgy
  • Chapter 1 (Understand the Concept and Scope of Metallurgy)
    • Class 01 ( Chapter 01)
  • Chapter 2 (Understand the Uses of Metallic Ore)
    • Class 02 ( Chapter 02)
  • Chapter 03 (Understand the Production of Pig Iron)
    • Class 03 (Chapter 03)
  • Chapter 04 (Mention the construction of blast furnace)
    • Class 04 (Chapter 04)
  • Chapter - 05 (Understand fundamental concepts of glass and ceramics)
    • Class 05 ( Chapter 05)
  • Chapter - 6 (Understand fundamental concepts of glass and ceramics)
    • Class 06 ( Chapter 06)
  • Chapter - 7 (Understand fundamental concepts of glass and ceramics)
    • Class 07 ( Chapter 07)
  • Chapter - 8 (Understand the fundamental concept of aluminum )
    • Class 08 ( Chapter 08)
  • Chapter - 9 (Understand fundamental concepts )
    • Class 09 (Chapter 09)
  • Chapter 10 (Understand the concept of CNC machine)
    • Class 10 (Chapter 10)
    • Mid Question