Responsible Raqibul Islam
Last Update 01/24/2023
Completion Time 12 hours 45 minutes
Members 1
  • Chapter-1
    • Basic concept of Thermodynamics
  • Chapter- 2
    • Concept of Specific Heat
  • Chapter-3
    • Latent Heat & sensible Heat
  • Chapter-4
    • Properties and laws of perfect gas
  • Chapter-5
    • Internal energy of gas
  • Chapter-6
    • Aspect of thermodynamics system
  • Chapter-7
    • Laws of thermodynamics
  • Chapter- 8
    • Understand the process of perfect gas
  • Chapter- 9
    • Entropy & Enthalpy
  • Chapter-10
    • Thermodynamics cycle
  • Chapter-11
    • Classification of Internal Combustion Engine
    • Component of IC Engine
  • Chapter-12
    • Classification of Petrol Engine
    • Component of Petrol Engine
  • Chapter-13
    • Operation of 4-stroke & 2-stroke Engiene
  • Chapter-14
    • Understand the properties of steam
  • Chapter-15
    • Feature of Refrigeration