Responsible Md. Forhad Hossain
Last Update 10/29/2022
Completion Time 14 hours 30 minutes
Members 2
  • Lecture-1 Basic Concept of digital electronics
  • Lecture-2 The Number System and Binary Arithmetic Operation
    • Class 01
    • Class 02
  • Lecture-3 The Arithmetic codes and code conversion
    • Class 01
    • Class 02
  • Lecture-4 The concept of logic gates
    • Class 01
    • Class 02
  • Lecture-5 The features of the logic families and digital IC's
    • Class 01
    • Class 02
  • Lecture-6 The concepts of electronic circuit of logic gates
    • Class 01
    • Class 02
  • Lecture-7 Understand Digital IC's
    • Class 01
    • Class 02
  • Lecture-8 Understand logic simplification & design of digital circuit
    • Class 01
    • Class 02
  • Lecture-9 Understand various combinational logic circuits
    • Class 01
    • Class 02