DIITCTG CMT Operating System Application(68546)

This Course is conducted by Afifa Hoque.

Responsible Afifa Hoque
Last Update 07/06/2022
Completion Time 6 hours 50 minutes
Members 33
  • Lecture-1
  • Lecture-2
  • Lecture-3
    • Understand the terms related to Operating System.
  • Lecture-4
    • Understand the Basics of Process Management and Threads (Volume 01)
  • Lecture-5
    • Understand the Basics of Process Management and Threads (Volume 02)
  • Lecture-6
    • Understand the Concept of CPU Scheduling
  • Lecture-7
    • Understand the Concepts of Deadlock(Volume 01)
  • Lecture-8
    • Understand the Concepts of Deadlock (Volume 02)
  • Lecture-9
    • Memory Management(Volume 01)
  • Lecture-10
    • Memory Management(Volume 02)
    • Memory Management(Volume 02)