Responsible Joy Biswas
Last Update 12/31/2022
Completion Time 12 hours 20 minutes
Members 1
  • Chapter-1
  • Chapter-2
    • Understand the function and uses of different CAD commands
  • Chapter-3
    • Understand the features of multistoried building
  • Chapter-4
    • Understand the preparation of plan section, elevation and other components of multistoried framed structure building using CAD.
  • Chapter-5
    • Understand the preparation of elevation and cross section RCC cantilever retaining wall using CAD
  • Chapter-6
    • Understand the preparation of detailed drawing of foundation using cad
  • Chapter-7
    • Understand the preparation of working drawing of continuous rectangular beam and t-beam using cad
  • Chapter-8
    • Understand the preparation of plan and section oneway and two way slab using cad
  • Chapter-9
    • Understand the preparation of plan and sectional elevation of a half