Responsible Sazzatul Amin
Last Update 12/11/2022
Completion Time 5 hours 50 minutes
Members 18
  • Course Plan
    • Course Plan
  • Chapter-1 (Analyze the effect of line constants of medium transmission line)
    • Lecture-1 (The effect of Line Constants of Medium Transmission Line)
    • Lecture-2 (Analyze the effect of line constants of medium transmission line)
  • Chapter-2 (Evaluate the effect of line constants of long transmission line)
    • Lecture-3 (Evaluate the effect of line constants of long transmission line)
  • Chapter-3 (Analyze the high voltage DC transmission)
    • Lecture-4 (Analyze the high voltage DC transmission)
    • Lecture-5(Analize the High Vooltage DC Transmission)
  • Chapter-4 (DC Distribution System)
    • Lecture-6 (DC Distribution System)
    • Lecture-7 (DC Distribution System)
    • Lecture-8 (DC Distribution System)