Responsible Sazzatul Amin
Last Update 03/01/2022
Completion Time 7 hours 10 minutes
Members 19
  • Course Plan
    • Course Plan (Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power-1)
  • Chapter-1 (Different System of Transmission of Electrical Power )
    • Lecture-1(Introduction of Transmission System)
    • Lecture-2 (Conductor Configaration of Transmission System)
  • Chapter-2(Different Aspects of Transmission System )
    • Lecture-1 (Kelvin's Law)
  • Chapter-3(The Supports of Overhead Lines )
    • Lecture-1 - (Overhead Lines)
    • Lecture-2
  • Chapter-4 (Conductors and Conductor Materials)
    • Lecture-6
    • Lecture-7
  • Chapter-5 (Line Insulators and Their Characteristics)
    • Lecture-8
    • Lecture-9
  • Chapter-6(Sag and Its Effect)
    • Lecture-10