Responsible Sazzatul Amin
Last Update 01/31/2022
Completion Time 6 hours 25 minutes
Members 19
  • Course Plan(Microcontroller & PLC)
    • Course Plan (Microcontroller & PLC)
  • Chapter-1(Fundamental Concept of Microcontroller )
    • Lecture-1 (Microcontroller)
    • Lecture-2(Microcontroller Pin Diagram)
  • Chapter-2(Features and Architecture of the Intel 8051 Microcontroller)
    • Lecture-1 (8051 Microcontroller Introduction)
  • Chapter-3(Programming 8051 using C Programming )
    • Lecture-2(8051 C Programming )
    • Lecture-2
  • Chapter-4 (8051 Timer & Counter)
    • Lecture-1
    • Lecture -2
  • Chapter -5 (Interrupt of the 8051 Microcontroller)
    • Lecture -1
    • Lecture -2
    • Lecture-3