DIITCTGBBA,Organizational Behavior

Course Description:
Students study the behavior of individuals and groups as part of the social and technical system in the workplace. They examine individual and group behavior, communication, conflict and various management styles, motivational techniques and coordination in the work environment and apply these concepts to the development of an organization's human resources.

Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have demonstrated the ability:

to discuss the development of the field of organizational behavior and explain the micro and macro approaches
to analyze and compare different models used to explain individual behavior related to motivation and rewards
to identify the processes used in developing communication and resolving conflicts
to explain group dynamics and demonstrate skills required for working in groups (team building)
to identify the various leadership styles and the role of leaders in a decision making process.
to explain organizational culture and describe its dimensions and to examine various organizational designs
to discuss the implementation of organizational change.

Responsible Sujan Sarker
Last Update 08/31/2021
Completion Time 1 week 2 days 20 hours 19 minutes
Members 1